Mike Wagner - 410 sprint cars; Dylan Yoder - super late models; Trent Brenneman - limited late models; Ken Duke Jr - 305 sprint cars
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT coming soon! Watch this space for more information!
Pit Admission
Pit passes – Season pit passes - $550.00 Purchased at the speedway/fair office. Good for all speedway promoted races up to and including the fair week races. Some races may not be included if they are not speedway promoted events.
Nightly pit tickets - prices vary based on the event. No student or child pricing. Purchased at either the upper pit gate or the lower pit gate. Anyone age 17 and under must have a guardian complete a minor’s release form. Anyone age 14 or under must always be accompanied by an adult.
Anyone using a pass or purchasing a nightly admission ticket is given a wristband to be worn to gain access to the pits, grandstand, or infield area. The speedway is not responsible for lost wristbands. No cash refunds are given at the ticket windows or the speedway office. Please read the Rain/cancellation policy
Port Royal Speedway is not currently set up for online ticket purchases for nightly events.
General Admission Tickets
Season general admission passes - $450.00 Purchased at the speedway/fair office. Good for all speedway promoted races up to and including the fair week races. Some races may not be included if they are not speedway promoted events.
Nightly general admission tickets – prices vary based on event. Purchased at the ticket windows at the main office - located inside the 8th street gate entrance or at the ticket booth by the tunnel entrance.
General admission tickets allow entrance to the grandstand general admission area and the infield. Grandstand general admission area is sections H – O, the bottom 11 rows unless the seat is marked with a red reserved seat sticker. Infield area is accessed via the tunnel outside turn 1. Bring a lawn chair for infield seating. Please read the Rain/cancellation policy
Student – 13-18 years of age, Children 12 and under - free